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Who is BuildSkills?

BuildSkills Australia is the national Jobs and Skills Council for the built environment sector – established by the federal government to work with industry to find solutions to the workforce challenges facing the construction, property and water industries.

Australia Property Built Environment
BuildSkills brings together stakeholders in a tripartite approach to solve problems collaboratively. We are an active partner in the national conversation around jobs and skills, listening to industry and translating their concerns into evidence-based policy and program responses.

BuildSkills is overseen by a Board comprising equal representation of employee and employer groups. Our governance structure has been carefully designed to ensure BuildSkills is a nonpartisan voice that fairly represents the interests of both workers and employers.

Our Journey
Feb 2022
JSC tenders released to market
Aug 2022
BuildSkills accepted as preferred tenderer
Apr 2023
BuildSkills governance arrangements finalised
Oct 2023
Final approval received
Feb 2024
National launch
Construction residential commercial built
BuildSkills is part of a national network of 10 Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) that provide leadership to address skills and workforce challenges for their industry.

JSCs are responsible for:

  • aligning effort across industries to improve VET system responsiveness
  • building stakeholder confidence
  • driving high-quality outcomes for the VET sector, learners and business

JSCs identify skills and workforce needs for their sectors, map career pathways across education sectors, develop contemporary VET training products, support collaboration between industry and training providers to improve training and assessment practice, and act as a source of intelligence on issues affecting their industries.