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Future Readiness Review
Is the VET sector producing a workforce fit for the future?

VET Future Readiness Review

BuildSkills has commenced a study into the ability of the VET system to meet the future workforce needs of the built environment sector.

Technological and economic change is reshaping the jobs and skills landscape. While the world of built environment work will go on, there is little doubt it will change in fundamental ways.

This study will evaluate the extent to which built environment training packages—CPP, CPC, RII and NWP—are delivering the skills industry needs for the future.

Jacob Fredericks
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Request for Expertise

If you have experience in this space, we would love to hear from you.

This survey will take less than 10 minutes of your time and your confidential contribution will help shape the future of training. The opportunity to contribute will be open until 10 October 2024.

Future readiness review
17 September 2024
Survey released

10 October 2024
Survey closes

October-November 2024
Industry consultation

December 2024

January 2025
Final Report